Monday, November 25, 2019

November 25, 2019

The Secret of The Law of Attraction - Power of Your Feelings and Emotions

The Secret of The Law of Attraction

The Secret of The Law of Attraction

When researching and studying the law of attraction I very quickly identified people were focusing on a series of laws of attraction. Notice that I spoke of laws in the plural rather than a law of attraction.

There are no laws of attraction as such, but rather techniques that can be used to enable us to use the law of attraction to our benefit.

There are many techniques and strategies we can use to allow us to master the law of attraction but these all boil down to one key aspect, our feelings and emotions.

I will use the words feelings and emotions interchangeably but as far as the law of attraction is concerned, they are the same thing. There is one key indicator guiding us with what we are attracting into our lives and that is our feelings.

Those of us fortunate enough to have been blessed with the books The Secret and The Power already know that we can name our emotions by many different names, this is really just hiding the fact we have two types of feelings.

We have only good feelings and bad feelings.

This is a really strong point and I cannot stress it enough. Good feelings, or as I like to say, above the line and bad feelings, below the line.

The line I talk about is the line of abundance. Feelings above this line, our positive emotions, our positive feelings allow us to attract what we want in our life. Feelings below this line drain abundance from our life.

Abundance can mean anything from an abundance of health, wealth, friendships, happiness, joy, in fact, anything you can say would be a positive influence or result in your life.

It's also really important to know that you cannot expect to be happy and feeling above the line all of the time. That is simply not what being human is all about. We need to know what the negative feelings are like so that we can spot the moment a positive feeling enters our life.

Below the line feelings such as grief when we lose a loved one are positives. They provide us the opportunity to find closure in our life and it's so important to work through these emotions rather than trying to cover them up and pretend to feel above the line.

When negative emotions come into your life, ask yourself a question, are these emotions serious or not?

Related: How to ManifestUsing The Law Of Attraction (2 Simple Steps)

What I mean by that is, are these emotions part of something bigger such as grief, loss of a job or some other life-changing event, because if they are, they need to be worked through in the normal correct manner so we can move on. Otherwise, they are emotions that don't need to be there.

Also, never feel guilty if you have feelings that are below the line, this is just a moment in life and it's really not that important. As long as through our life we feel on average above the line more than half the time, we are attracting abundance.

The more you feel above this line, then the more abundance you will attract, and in time, you will have more and more positive feelings, for with that first bit of the abundance you attract you'll feel great and attract more and so the cycle goes on.

On average, strive for this; Be positive more than negative, have good feelings more than bad, never worry if you get bad feelings, it's part of being human and be especially happy when you feel good.

You may think that I'm all talk and no action, but let's take a look at a real scenario that could have a significant impact on how your day, week, month or even longer goes.

Click here to change your life

You drive away in the morning, perhaps on your way to work and you're running a minute or two late. There is a car is turning in the road? The other driver is being particularly cumbersome with their handling of the car and don't seem to even care that you are there, now running even later!

In moments like these, it is so very easy to get suckered into that moment and become overwhelmed by negativity. Indeed, just feeling slightly below the line is enough to change entire outcomes.

Let's explore how you could feel in a moment like this; anger at running late, fear of being late for work, anger at the driver for not moving faster, guilt for not leaving earlier and on the list can go.

Let's not let a moment like this change your day, week or even longer outcomes. Use a moment like this to not only feel great but actually re-enforce your ability to feel great.

The laws of attraction are built on a foundation of positivity.

You may ask how you can rid yourself of negative thoughts and feelings?

Probably the simplest method I use, and my favorite is this. Picture yourself with the emotions or choose a picture in your mind that represents the emotion, and put that picture against a vivid blue background.

Now make that image fade away into the background until it is a pinprick and is enveloped by the blue.

Now that you have a completely clear mind with which to build upon, picture a positive image of yourself and start to build positivity on that.

This whole process takes a fraction of a second and going back to the scenario said before, as the driver blocking the road sorts their driving out, pulls away and waves a half-hearted casual thank you, smile, wave a polite thank you, put on some great music with a positive effect on you and look forward to your drive, knowing that your positive feelings will pave the way for a great day ahead.

I truly hope that this writing on the laws of attraction is a positive influence in your life.

Click Here and watch how to magically manifest real cash in the next 24 hours!
Click here to discover the "5-Second Secret" to manifesting your desires!
Click here to learn more about the 15-Minute Manifestation technique.
Click here to watch how to instantly manifest more money, love, and abundance starting in the 30 minutes!

Friday, November 22, 2019

November 22, 2019

Life Path Number 2: Meaning, Career, Compatibility and Enemy

Life Path Number 2: Meaning, Career, Compatibility and Enemy
Life Path Number 2: The Mediator
You’re a chaser of harmony and deeply dislike conflict. While you usually do whatever you can to avoid fights and confrontations, sometimes you take the opposite route and are very aggressive.
When you’re argumentative and agitated, you can be sure you’re responding to situations in an unreceptive way rather than in an empathetic or give-and-take manner.

Click here to know your life path number.
You’re happiest when you’re being of service to yourself, your family, your group, or when you’re shining in a service-oriented career. Working in a group atmosphere is often the best for you to achieve success.
You’re the detail person, the one everyone goes to in order to get the job done and get it done right.
You flourish in an environment of support and solid direction, so you may not enjoy working for yourself or might not find ultimate success or happiness as an independent worker.

RelatedLife Path Number 1: Personality, Career, Love Life and Compatibility
The energy of the 2 Life Path is very sensitive, so much so that you get your feelings wounded every day in ways no one but you can understand. Even you don’t understand the degree to which you’re emotionally hurt day in and day out.
Truly, your heart is on your sleeve. You’re mindful of what’s going on in everyone else’s emotional life and often take it on yourself.
Your tasks are 1) to realize that you’re oversensitive and that other people don’t necessarily see the world and take it in the same way you do, and 2) to construct your own set of “psychic armor” to protect yourself from the assault of emotional energy you take in every day. Only with protection can you find a healthy balance.
The 2 energy is all about love. You’re here to love others and be loved in return. Do you identify the song “I Want You to Want Me”? That defines you. You crave for giving and receiving unconditional love.
That desire along with a strong sense of service and emotional compassion brings amazing things into your life, as well as consistent challenges. The trick is not to focus on requiring love to the point of desperation.
Since you’re so delicate and also, want to give and get love all the time, you may have a tendency to overwhelm your loved ones or have expectations that can never be met.
On the other side, you may back away from wanting love because it hurts too badly. When you can come to an understanding about how to balance your strong need for love, you’ll feel secure and supported. The trick for you is to give yourself the acknowledgment you need, rather than looking for it from outside sources.
You encompass a powerful combination of strength and sensitivity that doesn’t always show on the surface. The 2 Life Path tends to descend toward family life.
You often serve as a kind, dependable, caring teammate when you’re working with your most positive aspects. You don’t necessarily enjoy the limelight and have a tendency to get mad if you feel pushed or threatened.
Your trademark is an inclination to do everything for everybody to the point where you feel exhausted.
Even though you’re here to help and love, from the outside people, may perceive that you give yourself a little too much credit.
You aren’t meant to accept intense validation from external sources. Why not? Because learning to give yourself your own credit is part of the challenge of the 2 Life Path.
Oftentimes you judge yourself on what everybody else says or thinks about you. Your challenge is to grow your internal compass and turn inward for authentication.
You must be careful not to take on the difficulties of the people you love, who are more than happy for you to do so. It’s best not to put yourself entirely at the disposal of others because soon you’ll get angry and resentful for being used and unappreciated.
When you’re clear on task, you’re glowing, content, and satisfied with life. Knowing that you’re here to serve, love, and be of use to yourself and to others will keep you focused on the positive aspects of your Life Path.
When you end up living in the negative aspects of the 2 energy, no one knows what you want, including you.
You’re too worried doing what you think you’re supposed to do and are quick to assume others should do the same. You’re in a lasting state of co-dependence. 
Your giving turns to anger, as you give too much, and then you withdraw completely. Only when you realize you’re totally free to form your own life through your own sense of internal direction, while shedding from your slanted sense of what others expect from you, can you truly reach your potential.
Your life purpose is to simplify the limits of your responsibility and learn to work in association with harmony, balance, and mutual respect.
Click Here if you want to learn more about life path number 2 including the threats and how to resolve them.
Click Here to know your expression number and soul urge number.
Life Path Number 2

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

November 20, 2019

How to Manifest Using The Law Of Attraction (2 Simple Steps)

how to manifest

How to Manifest?

Every single one of us is surrounded by an atmosphere of thoughts with each thought carrying its own frequency. Scientists have actually measured this and thought has its own frequency.
I like to refer to these thoughts as the driving force behind the law of attraction through which we are either attracting or repelling. Basically, we drawback to us that which we center our thoughts and feelings around most.
Whether you're aware of it or not the law of attraction is always at work and shaping your day-to-day existence.
The following are two fundamental steps for applying the law of attraction effectively and manifesting your desires.
Step 1: Accept responsibility for who you are and where you are.
One of the key principles in using the law of attraction and purposely manifesting your desires is to acknowledge and pay attention to these thoughts and to accept that we are each responsible for our own reality.
I would go as far as to say as accepting responsibility in your life and for your actions or outcomes is the most important step in making the law of attraction work for you.
Once you come to the realization that you are the "source" of your own reality and not subject to a "defined" the reality you can adapt your way of thinking and really start to make the law of attraction work for you.
For many, this is oftentimes difficult because we become accustomed to our own system of belief which is years of our past experiences.
It's all too easy to live in the past and blame past events for our misfortunes but they are "past events" and should be left in the past. Think instead of the present and the future and be grateful for the good things going on in your life as you will be sending out a much more positive vibe.
Step 2: Aligning yourself to manifest your desires.
The second most crucial step to apply the law of attraction is to fuel your desires with a passion.
You've probably watched the film the Secret where they state to use positive self-talk and visualization techniques and show gratitude for the present outcomes in your life and not to live in the past.
However, it's all well and good using these techniques (which do indeed work) but if you lack the belief and imagination then they will amount to nothing.
Your dreams and goals are fuelled by desire, belief, and imagination. No matter how big your desire seems or how unattainable you need to overcome that barrier in your mind that holds you back from truly believing this is achievable.
Whenever using such techniques as visualization and positive self-talk try and involve all your senses. Only your imagination holds you back and once you learn to really connect with your desire on a mental level consciously, you'll slowly imprint this belief subconsciously which is key!
Also, pay close attention to your feelings and emotions when using such techniques associated with the law of attraction.
How do you feel when you visualize your desires?
How do you feel when you use positive self-talk?
Second, only to thoughts, your feelings and emotions play a huge part in using the law of attraction and naturally attracting back to you that which you desire.
Focus on your goals and ambitions, not your worries. This again can take some practice especially if you're experiencing a difficult phase in your life but the vibe, you're sending out the will, of course, attract that back to you.
Your entire reality is nothing more than a manifestation of what you're thinking and feeling on both a subconscious and conscious level!
The world’s highest achievers understand that the only limitations they set are the limitations within their minds! Really step outside your comfort zone and dare to imagine what others believe are beyond their capabilities.
Feel the desire with a passion and fuel it on a daily basis, remember to be grateful for what you do have and not what you are wanting. Otherwise, you're radiating a vibe of need and want which of course will naturally, attract back to you.
Click Here and watch how to magically manifest real cash in next 24 hours!
Click here to discover the "5-Second Secret" to manifesting your desires!
Click here to learn more about the 15-Minute Manifestation technique.
Click here to watch how to instantly manifest more money, love and abundance starting in the 30 minutes!

Monday, November 11, 2019

November 11, 2019

What is Life Path Number 1?

Life Path Number 1

In this article you will learn:

  • Life path number 1 personality
  • Life path number 1 career
  • Life path number 1 love life
  • Life path number 1 marriage and a lot more.

What is a Life Path Number 1?

A born leader, you’re independent, energetic, and a believer of a hard worker. You flourish in a competitive environment, although you frequently get side-tracked by listening to the non-stop voice of criticism in your head, whispering continually: “You’re not good enough.” Make sure to practice turning the frequency when you start listening to that radio.
That voice isn’t telling you the truth. It’s a trap that leads you away from your true power.
In your life, you go through three tiers of growth. First, you realize and question the way in which you feel reliant on.
This shows up in various ways and yet is primarily stuck in your feelings of dependency on your family or surroundings to the point where you question yourself in relationship to this form of identity.
The second characteristic of development usually shows up as rebellion as you attempt to cut yourself from your feelings of dependence and individuate yourself.  This takes a while.
Then, if you’re able to manage this successfully and come out with a healthy sense of independence, then it’s time for you to move forward into an accomplishment.
As an eccentric, you’ve most likely felt unique in many ways. You have innovative and advanced creative ideas.  Yet when you’re feeling uncertain, you feel you just don’t fit in or belong anywhere, as though you’re really out of sync with the demands and expectations of the world. When you’re being your authentic self, you’re the nicest, most trustworthy, compassionate, and compelling person.
When you aren’t feeling confident, you incline to be forceful, defensive, aggressive, and angry. Those emotions are your chosen passages when you’re having self-doubts.
It’s vital for you to work on refining your skill at anything you do, whether that means your job skills, communication skills, or relationship skills. As a 1 Life Path, having comprehensive trust in the skills you’ve learned and mastered will serve as a kind of “security blanket” for you when you’re feeling uncertain or your sense of confidence is under fire.
Having the capability to fall back on high-level skills you know inside out will stabilize you and get you back in your game.
You’re a creator, an innovator, and capable of great success and accomplishment in the world. You need to be in charge and manage in some way. Repeatedly the highest and best use of your abilities is when you architect a project, get it up and running, make sure management systems are in place, and then you’re off to the next endeavor. You might feel stagnant if you don’t permit yourself to tackle new challenges.
You’re full of imaginative energy, so hold your creativity and understand that this is your gift. Envision new things, introduce new concepts, and then delegate the details and either move on with another project or continue developing your project while taking it to the next level of success. You enjoy being on the move and having a variety of things to do.
Whether or not you know it, you have an astonishing capacity to do whatever you focus on after you clear away the litter of self-doubt. When you’re secure in your aptitudes and have confidence, you’re fabulously dynamic.
You also—whether or not you see it yet—have healing hands. You’re a natural healer and can use this ability in every part of your life.
You don’t have to become a massage therapist or an energy worker unless you want to. That’s not what I’m saying. Healing energy surrounds all parts of what you do and guides your action when you’re functioning with your best.
As you progress your leadership skills, cherish the best in others and understand that creativity flourishes in a surrounding of inner security and confidence; meaning you must open up, take risks, and step off the trampled path.
Your endless challenge is to consistently and consciously develop your sense of being self-assured, self-directed, and self-centered. When you express your desire from the heart, you can achieve great things in the world.
Click Here if you are interested in learning more about your life path number 1.
Click Here if you would like to know expression and soul urge numbers.
life path number 1

Friday, November 8, 2019

November 08, 2019

The Law of Vibration – Understanding Your Intuition

The Law of Vibration - secret to law of attraction

The Law of Vibration – Understanding Your Intuition
Among all the universal laws, the law of attraction is the most fascinating and the most misunderstood law at the same time. Fascinating, because as humans, we naturally want a tool to help create the life of our dreams and the law of attraction can definitely help us to do that.

Misunderstood because unlike any other tool that we can pull out and use whenever we want, the law of attraction is operating in our lives continuously and independently, whether we are consciously aware of it, or believe in it, or not.
In other words, there is no need to initiate the law of attraction, it is already at work in your life and always will be. So as long as you are alive and breathing, the law of attraction is at work. This is wonderful news! You are already using the law of attraction to create everything in your life whether you are aware of it or not.
The results that you are experiencing right now including your career, finances, relationships, health and so on, are a direct result of the law of attraction in the form of thoughts and feelings.
If you're not creating the kind of life you want, chances are you are creating by default, allowing the law of attraction to bring you more and more of the same.
Unfortunately, there was no life manual handed over to us at our birth and our parents were not aware of the law of attraction and so there was no chance of learning and understanding the law.
In order to understand the law of attraction to its core, you first, we need to understand another powerful law called the law of vibration.
Law of Vibration
In simple terms, as per the law of vibration, everything is made of energy and has a unique frequency or vibration. With the arrival of powerful technology, science now agreed upon the concept.
Quantum physicists have shown that, although matter may appear to be solid when you look at it through a high-powered microscope, it is mostly empty space scattered with energy.
To put in different words, at the quantum level, everything you see is made up of energy and empty space.
Your creation in the form of thoughts also has distinct vibrations which affect or blend with your overall vibration.
In turn, your vibrations touch everything around you - your environment, the people, animals including the lifeless objects affects you.
That is the reason when you walk into a room where there was an earlier argument, you can sense it.
We often use terms like "bad vibes", "you can feel the tension", and "you could cut the air in here with a knife" to describe such feelings. In each case what we are referring to is the energy impressions of the earlier occupants.
Similarly, you may have gone to someone's home, office or business where, as soon as you entered, you felt the "good vibes" that filled the place.

That's because, over time, a place is filled with the energy imprints of the dominant vibrations of the people who live or work there.
So, a home, for example, can literally become filled with anger or sadness or love or tension or anger or sadness or with any other emotion, and that home will feel that way to a guest even if none of the occupants are at home at the time.
If you've ever entered such a place you may even have noticed how you just happy and felt good in response to the "good vibes" around you.

Of course, the extent to which you take on the vibrations of the people and things around you is up to you, but for most people, it is not a conscious decision.
So, you are transmitting vibrations every second of your day. You are also simultaneously receiving and interpreting the vibrations of everything and everyone around you.
If we use the example of television, you are both a television transmitter, beaming out your own unique station, and also a television set or the receiver, able to tune in to all the stations or frequencies being broadcast around you.

Most of the time we refer to these incoming vibrations as intuition or "gut feelings".
So how do you know your vibration at any given moment?
Simple – just ask yourself how you are feeling at this very moment.
Your emotions are a quick and convenient guide to your vibration at any moment.
If you feel loving, you are vibrating at the frequency of love; if you feel angry, you are vibrating at the frequency of anger and so on.
You are also using the law of attraction, bringing to yourself more experiences that will match your current vibration.

So, if you are feeling angry, the law of attraction will bring to you more experiences that will match the feeling of anger, you will attract angry people and find yourself in the middle of angry circumstances.
To sum up, you are sending out vibrations every moment of your day. Those vibrations are a mix of your thoughts and feelings and they affect everything around you.

the secret to law of attraction

At the same time, you are also receiving and interpreting the vibrations of everything surrounding you. Now that we understand vibration, let's look at how it cooperates with the law of attraction.
Law of Attraction
The law of attraction, in simple terms, means energy attracts like energy. You might have heard it articulated as "like attracts like' and even "thoughts become things".
The law of attraction is at work in your life every moment of your day. Your vibrations are regularly being broadcast to, and received, by the universe.
This activates the law of attraction which then matches your vibrations and attracts to your similar vibrations in the form of people, things and situations in your life.

In other words, you are always creating your life with your thoughts and feelings. The circumstances in your life, whether they are what you want or not, are always a match to your dominant vibrations.
The law of attraction, like any other universal law, operates whether you are aware of it or not, or believe it or not.
So, the question becomes - if your life is not how you would wish it to be, how do you change it? And the most common answer you will find most of the places just changes your thoughts.
Simple - yes, but not easy. Here's why...
Somewhere between 94 to 98% of all thoughts are subconscious, and only 2 to 6% of your thoughts are ever conscious of the thoughts which you are aware of.

So, even if you succeeded in changing all of your conscious thoughts to be positive, that still leaves a lot of subconscious thought, at least some of which would be negative, vibrating in the background without you even being aware of it.

If you're having trouble creating what you want in life, chances are your subconscious mind is on a different vibration.
Do you want to turn your mind into an abundance magnet?

If yes, then check out the video below.
Instant Manifestation

Source: Here

Monday, November 4, 2019

November 04, 2019

14 Ways To Have A Miracle Morning | Miracle Morning Challenge

how to have a miracle morning

How To Have A Miracle Morning?

Have you ever realized the magical power of morning rituals? These are known as the power of positive affirmations, which are a doorway to your success and a healthy lifestyle.

Morning rituals are obvious secrets to transform your lifestyle. These will program your conscious and subconscious mind to take up all the challenges beyond what you have ever experienced and level you up in your personal and professional life.

It has the power to overcome your self-sabotage and de-clutter your negative thoughts. So, let us focus on the rituals which can pay off forever.

What Are Morning Rituals?

Rituals are beyond routines, but a sequence of actions followed daily, which are designed to incredibly transform the whole of you bit-by-bit. It is the process of administrating superior habits and positive affirmations early morning and implementing them throughout the course of life.

It can be anything if you begin to do something intentionally with a sense of gratitude, aligning the fine practices to enhance your mental and physical well-being.

It can be more specified as rituals than a routine because it is based on significant actions looking forward to self-consciousness development which is more than just an exercise. Rituals are those which allow you to experience an extraordinary day with energy, compassion, and liveliness.

How to program rituals in your daily life?

Number 1: Quality of sleep matters.

Sleep deprivation at night is a major source of cultivating depression, forgetfulness, deterioration of your conscious level, drowsiness and low productivity. Customizing morning rituals are not easy if you don’t wake up early.

So, in order to wake up early before going to bed you need to practice meditation for at least 20 minutes. Practices that focus on calming the mind can effectively slow down your racing mind. After meditating give yourself 8 hours of peaceful sleep per day.

Number 2: Practicing meditation before sleeping.

Before you go to bed, switch off the lights. You can listen to meditation songs - soothing relaxing music with nature sounds for blissful deep relaxation. This can help you to de-clutter your stress, fight fatigue and insomnia and let you find your inner peace.

“Nothing of me and everything of you” should be the prayer offered to the divine or cosmos as you awake in the morning with a smile on your face with a sense of gratitude, imagining yourself surrounded by lush green trees and chirping of birds. We should all learn to cultivate positivity within us as soon as we wake up.

Story continues...

Give yourself some time to balance your conscious and subconscious mind and start praying and feel yourself from within with a big smile. This brings positivity to you and can be done for at least 5 to 10 minutes.

Number 3: Drink water.

Drink three glasses of warm water on an empty stomach as soon as you are done with your first ritual. It flushes out all your negative internal toxins and strengthens your immunity system. It helps in cleansing the colon and makes your intestine absorption strong.

Number 4: Wash your face with cold water to feel more energetic.

Number 5: Feel the rays of the sun.

Sit or stand near the window (the area has to be very calm and peaceful) and feel the sun which is direct exposure to Vitamin D for your skin. It can be done for 5 to 10 minutes only.

Number 6: Spiritual fitness.

Dive deeper into meditation practices in the morning for mental fitness and give yourself a life-altering experience in a positive way. It helps our consciousness unfolding in subtle and more profound ways.

Number 7: Physical fitness.

Physical fitness is essential for self-realization and transformation. To make you physically strong, attractive and active, an hour of exercise for the physical body can help you to get in better shape, gives cardiovascular fitness and strength training. Physical fitness is one of the most crucial sources to keep yourself happy as it is said - “When you look good, you feel good”.

Number 8: Emotional fitness.

Being proactive in your emotional fitness can increase your resilience to handle difficult people and situations.

Number 9: Start your day with cultivating the feeling of gratitude and forgiveness can help you develop your emotional side. Remembering a few things throughout the day.

Number 10: Be focused on your work and strive for quality output.

Number 11: Never expect too much from anyone, which is the biggest source of disappointment.

Number 12: Be focused on your professional and personal commitments.

Number 13: Never over-commit.

Number 14: Intellectual fitness.

Intellectual fitness includes wellness practices that encourage you to adopt creative and mentally stimulating activates. Morning is a wonderful time for reading and learning at least for one hour a day or watch motivational videos.

15 minute manifestation system review

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019

15 Minute Manifestation Review by Eddie Sergey (Updated October 2019) - Here's What You Will Find Inside

15 Minute Manifestation Eddie Sergey Review 2020

15 Minute Manifestation Review by Eddie Sergey

Created by: Eddie Sergey

Bonuses: Yes

Official Website: CLICK HERE


In all of our lives, we get into a point where we have to reflect on ourselves especially when problems seem to overwhelm us.

During this time, we try as much as possible to maintain a steady mind so that situations do not overpower us. We sit and evaluate our purpose in life and how we can achieve our dreams.

However, sometimes, situations have so much power over our mind that we end up suffering because we are unable to think straight and keep a focused mind.

However, there is a way you can re-wire your brain and make your brain focus on achieving your life goals. Well, there is a program known as 15 Minute Manifestation.

This program can help you build a clear and focused mind and enable you to manifest your life desires.

This program takes a systematic approach to clear your mind so that you can think straight and focus on achieving your goals or you can say things that matter in your life.

The program brings abundance by helping you manifest your dreams. Techniques explained in this program will help you make your dreams and aspirations a reality.

It also reduces negativity and distractions thereby giving a perspective in your life. If you are interested in learning more about this program, here is my detailed review of the 15 Minute Manifestation Review created by Eddie Sergey.

What is 15 Minute Manifestation?

15 Minute Manifestation Eddie Sergey Review updated

Created by Eddie Sergey, who is a 37-year-old 4th standard dropout, “15 Minute Manifestation” is an exception manifestation tool that helps in rewiring your subconscious mind using a series of audio tracks designed using brainwave technology.

Listening to these tracks can help you in getting rid of self-limiting beliefs and blocks in your mind so that can you can reach your full potential and manifest whatever you desire.

It’s quite simple to use actually. All you need to do is listen to these tracks for 15 minutes every day for at least 21 days and you will notice the drastic change in your life.

15 Minute Manifestation Eddie Sergey download

Eddie said, there is nothing mystical about audio tracks in the package. These tracks have a specific frequency called the theta waves.

Speaking to the subconscious mind takes a lot of efforts however theta waves, on the other hand, are meant to speak to the subconscious mind quite effortlessly. Theta waves also called “The Editor” and it opens the mind for reprogramming.

As per Mr. Sergey, the reality is composed of a sub-atomic particle and the theta wave represents the possibility. But what makes this possibility a reality is your attention or awareness. “The Editor” controls your attention, but unfortunately, it inclines to think negatively.

The good news is the audio tracks in the “15 Minute Manifestation System” can make your subconscious mind focus its awareness on what you desire and want to manifest into reality.

To be precise, the system comes up with three powerful tracks:

Track 1 – Your Natural State

This original track helps you connect the subconscious mind so that it can experience an overwhelming abundance of positive thoughts.

It helps you focus on your dreams and visualize how rich, successful, and happy you will be once you achieve your goals.

Once you visualize your future, you will be motivated to do anything to achieve your dreams because you have an idea of how you will be.

The tracks keep distractions, negative thoughts, and limiting beliefs at bay to ensure your process of manifestation is not interfered with.

Track 2: Your New Story

After eliminating the limiting blocks, this track triggers your subconscious part of the brain to enable you to see life differently.

It is meant to help your brain rise above the negative thoughts that might be hindering you from achieving your full potential. It enables you to visualize your future and show you the path to reach there.

Again, you will visualize and imagine yourself as a successful person who has achieved your dream. This will motivate you to look for new opportunities and pursue them so that you can achieve the dreams you visualized.

Track 3: Moving Towards Abundance

To achieve your goals, you will need to be confident, and this track will help to build confidence in you.

It will enable you to be dedicated to your goal of getting wealth in abundance. It builds confidence in your ability and talents. You will understand that you have the potential to make it in life.

These three tracks will help you visualize your future and enable you to see yourself as a successful person with an abundance of wealth, peace of mind, and happiness.

Bonus Track

The “15 Minute Manifestation” package also comes up with a bonus track which is called the “Deep Sleep Now”. It is a 15-minute audio track designed using delta brain frequency. Delta frequency is deep sleep frequency and this track will allow you to relax and get the most amazing sleep.

Click Here for More Information About The 15 Minute Manifestation Program and The Audio Tracks That You Will Find Inside!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the 15 Minute Manifestation Package.

15 Minute Manifestation Eddie Sergey

Now, let’s discuss the pros and cons of the program:

Pros of 15 Minute Manifestation:

1. Less Time-Consuming.

Listening to these tracks is quite convenient and won’t take much of your time. All you need is 15 minutes from your 24 hours in a day. You can listen to these tracks wherever you find it comfortable. There is no hard and fast rule that you should listen to a particular environment.

2. Backed by Medical Journals

If you start digging the Internet about brain plasticity and how sound frequencies affect the brain, you will be amazed by the findings. In this decade itself, our scientist has found out more about our brain functionality than past generations.

3. Get Rid of Self-Limiting Beliefs

Sergey’s 15 Minute Manifestation program could help your brain getting rid of negative beliefs that you store overtime since childhood. This is scientifically proven and doable. Once you remove these self-limiting beliefs, you would be able to pursue whatever you want without any fear and live a life of your dream.

4. Easy to Understand

You might have seen hundreds of manifestation programs to date and I’m sure most of them you find overwhelming. So complicated and unpractical. Compare to all those programs, the 15-minute manifestation is way easier to understand and implement.

5. Value-Oriented Bonus

According to, over 70 million Americans suffer from disorders of sleep and wakefulness. The “Deep Sleep Now” bonus is designed to help you get better sleep using delta wave frequency to get an amazing and quality sleep.

6. 365-Days 100% Money Back Guarantee

Eddie has so much confidence in this program that he is giving a 365-day money-back guarantee. For 365 days you can use the program and in case you are not satisfied, you can claim for a full refund.

15 Minute Manifestation honest Review

Cons of 15 Minute Manifestation:

1. Not a Quick Fix

As mentioned earlier it is something you need to do consistently. Now, some people can see the results in very few days however, the majority of people might have to wait longer, like 21 days to experience significant results. Eddie Sergey made very clear, the longer and more consistently you listen to these audio tracks, the more mind-blowing and amazing results you would see

2. Available In Digital Format Only

The program is available in only digital format which means you cannot buy it from your local music or book store. You need a computer and a reliable internet to download the program. In case you have slow internet and prefer a physical copy, this might be not for you.

Click Here To Get Access The Special Discounted Link To The 15 Minute Manifestation Program Now!


To be honest I believe Eddie Sergey’s 15 Minute Manifestation and a unique and quite interesting manifestation program. Such programs are rare in this segment.

Based on my online research, it seems like this system can truly help you to remove mental blocks stopping you from living the life you always desired.

In addition, there is a lot of scientific evidence that suggests it is completely possible to rewire your brain using neuroplasticity and listening to sound waves of certain frequencies.

15 Minute Manifestation honest Review

You don’t need any prior experience to benefits from this program.

Of course, no program is 100% perfect and every program comes up with certain cons. If you really want to see a significant change in your life, you need to be consistent for 21 days or more. Keep your expectations at reasonable levels.

To sum it up, if you are craving for a better life, or want to get rid of your mental blocks, then you should give this program a try.

Considering today’s lifestyle where people are usually busy with their work and family, this program is quite versatile as it requires you to keep aside 15 minutes only which is absolutely possible.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, Eddie is offering a 60-day money-back guarantee so it’s a comfortable and safe purchase option.

I hope you find this information helpful. I wish you success, wonderful health, and happiness 😊

15 Minute Manifestation download


15 Minute Manifestation customer reviews eddie sergey

15 Minute Manifestation customer reviews eddie sergey

15 Minute Manifestation customer reviews eddie sergey

15 Minute Manifestation download

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

October 08, 2019

Manifestation Magic Package - Honest Review + Bonuses (Updated October 2019)

Let’s face the truth… we have seen everything from The Secret released in 2006 to the ocean of self-help and especially the law of attraction books that clutter across the market.

I’m sure you might be thinking with so many guides and products available in the market, everyone would have been rich and living an abundant life. Well the harsh reality is, that is NOT the case for most people and they are still struggling in their daily life.
Manifestation Magic scam

While looking for the industry news, when I came across “Manifestation Magic” website, my first reaction was, “Does this world need another law of attraction product?”

With a lot of skepticism, I decided to check out this product by Alexander Wilson and write a brutal and honest review. So, let’s get started…

What is “Manifestation Magic”?

In simple words, Manifestation Magic has a series of audio tracks with brainwave entrainment frequencies. When you are about to sleep while listening to these audio tracks, your brain will be more receptive to the self-hypnotic suggestions.

While listening to these tracks, there will be less external and internal friction which allows hypnotic suggestions to be absorbed by the subconscious mind effortlessly.
Manifestation Magic audio

Frankly speaking, it’s a brilliant and mind-blowing concept.

What You Will Find Inside The “Manifestation Magic Program”?

Let’s dive in the check out what you will get inside the program before looking for the benefits.

Number 1: Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)

Number 2: Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track

Number 3: 7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy

Number 4: The “Push Play” Audio App

Number 5: 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Number 6: Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System

Number 7: Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System

Number 8: 2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs

This complete package for sure didn’t hold me back. On the contrary, I was surprised to receive so much content at such a reasonable low price.

In my experience, “Manifestation Magic Program” is a complete system, much more value oriented and comprehensive than most self-help books in the same genre.

But I’m sure you would be thinking, content alone isn’t enough when speaking of life changing the program.

The big question here is:

Will Manifestation Magic Help You in Achieving Your Dreams and Desires?

1.      Action that matters:

With the books like The Secret, the biggest problem is their Pollyanna approach to manifest whatever you desire. That means, you only need to think positively and the result will appear. Although, this sounds wonderful but rarely works.

“Manifestation Magic” on the other hand requires YOU to take action and listen to the audios with dedication. It’s not a hard job but necessary work. The ‘Daytime Wealth’ audio tracks in the program are especially important and powerful.

2.      Building A Strong Foundation:

The reason why Manifestation Magic works effectively and has so many positive testimonials are because the program is backed by science. The scientifically proven audio files change your thought pattern by altering the brain waves.

Getting the same result is very difficult with the help of books. It is because we humans learn by DOING things and not just by reading no matter how powerful or eye-opening the information is. By listening to audios in the “Manifestation Magic Program”, you dive deep into the mind without any friction. Truly speaking, the program does it better than any book I’ve ever seen.

3.      Consistency:

As we all know, consistency creates results. “Manifestation Magic Program,” ask you to listen to these audio files daily. By doing this, the program is building a positive habit in your subconscious mind without much effort from your side. This is a very practical approach.

4.      Getting Rid of Trash:

No matter how much you get into positive thinking. It’s not going to work if you still stuck in your old thinking pattern. It is like applying makeup on a rash in order to hide it.

To get rid of the problem, you must treat the problem by cutting down the roots. Manifestation Magic package comes with “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions. In this session, you will learn how to clear the abundance blocks in your mind which are holding you back to the old thinking pattern. By getting rid of these old patterns your path will now be clear to manifest miracles in your life.

5.      All-In-One System:

On the surface, the program looked like just another commercial self-help product but later I realized I was so wrong.

In the Manifestation Miracle package, you will find a QuickStart guide and around 14 bonus audio files that will help you achieve your goal whether it’s creating more wealth, love life, spirituality, etc.

The program is so much more than just a wealth attraction product and it lived 100% up to its promises.

6.      Easy to Use:

It’s a matter of fact that listening to audio is much easier than forcing yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around is in shambles. I found Manifestation Magic very practical. It understands your need that you need to make the changes within before you bring any change in the outer world. The basic principle is, in order to create a masterpiece, you need a clean canvas. Similarly, to bring any change in your life, first, you need to make some changes within. I personally loved the audio tracks. They have a very gentle, soothing and pulsating sound.

7.      Genuine Testimonials:

The testimonials on the official sales page of the Manifestation Miracle Program are from the customers who have actually tried the program and seen changes in their lives. It’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver the promise.

8.      Instant Access:

Being a digital product, you will get instant access to the program and you can start using it right away. No shipping cost or delays involved.

9.      60-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

This alone proves how much trust Alexander has in his product. He is giving enough time to test out the Manifestation Miracle program and bring some magnificent changes in your life.

If you are not satisfied, you can always get your money back which makes it a risk-free purchase.

What are Subliminal Messages?

Subliminal messages also called ‘self-hypnosis’ or ‘binaural beats’ have been around for decades. Basically, these are a kind of audio tracks with certain frequencies that holds the power to re-program your subconscious mind while you are in sleep.

These audio tracks are quite easy to use because they don’t require much effort from your end. All you have to do is listen when are in a sleepy state.
Manifestation Magic subliminal messages

What is NLP?

NLP stands for Neurolinguistic Programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP technique is used to alter your behavioral patterns by changing your neurological processes. This helps in building new habits quite effortlessly.

What is amazing about “Manifestation Magic” is that the audio tracks that you will get along with the package has come with both Subliminal Messages and NLP which makes it a powerful and unbeatable tool.

What About the Downsides of the Product?

To be honest it has certain downsides. No product is 100% perfect. While going to the program I found two minor issues.

1.      No Available in Physical Format.

You cannot buy this program from a bookstore as it is a digital product. You need a computer and an internet connection to access the product and download it.

Alexander intentionally made the product in digital format. This helped in keeping the production cost low. Due to this effort, the product can be available to masses across the world at an affordable price.

2.      Audio Tracks May Not Be Suitable for Everyone.

As these are audio tracks, it may not be suitable for everyone. Some people may find the frequency a little annoying. It’s a small issue but it happens.

There is a silver lining here for such people. If in case you find it difficult to listen, all you need to do is to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they will customize new audio tracks according to your needs with different frequency for FREE without any extra cost.

Finally, Should You Buy the Program?

In short, DEFINITELY. I found this product delivers what it promised to deliver and you are backed by 100% 60-Day money-back guarantee which is a safe purchase and you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

In case you are already practicing visualization, this program can bridge the gap between visualization and getting the results. You can think of it as a missing piece of the puzzle.
If you seriously want to see the results, you need to take the action. Listening to the audios is your ACTION. No one will come and put the headphones. If you want to transform your life you need to follow certain steps with dedication.

With this missing piece you have access to whatever you want whether its wealth, love or good health. All you need to do is take some effort, consistently listen to the videos and follow Alexander’s advice.

Now you have the tool, a missing piece to fix what is not working in your life. Once you bring change INSIDE, you will see how miraculously things are changing OUTSIDE and I’m sure you will NEVER look back ever again.


Manifestation Magic customer reviews

Manifestation Magic testimonials

Manifestation Magic testimonials