STOP Attracting What You Don’t Want In Life
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could reinvent yourself as you saw fit? Many of us have made so many mistakes in our lives that "hope" becomes a four-letter word.
When you are seemingly fighting in all directions just to survive, even against yourself at times, it is tough to implement or follow a worthwhile success regime.
But these are the times that are the most important for you. In these trials, lies the secret that serves as the catalyst which will propel you to heights never before imagined.
The truth that you can stop being who you don't want to be. Stop attracting what you are fighting against. Stop allowing your circumstances to determine how you feel. And from this learn who you want to be and choose to BE it!
The FEELINGS Factor...
Before you learn how to reinvent yourself you need to learn WHY you need to in the first place. For many, it is merely a matter of patience. Waiting for something to happen before choosing to feel good about it is an endless road to failure. You will never achieve anything by this method.
Anyone who has ever accomplished anything has first "felt" how wonderful it would feel to possess the thing first BEFORE they actually held it. This is how everything is achieved even though most of us do not even realize it.
If you choose to wait until you have it you are involuntarily focusing on the feelings associated with NOT having it! This signal is interpreted by the universe as a command and you will be given what you asked for, you will not have it no matter how hard you "try".
Fortunately, it can be fixed, quite easily in fact, once you acknowledge it and start taking responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.
Are you unhappy with who you are or have become?
If you are bored, tired, or depressed about your life. If you have forgotten what your childhood dreams were and no longer know how to imagine having fun or being happy again.
Then you need to reinvent yourself now! There is no shame in recognizing you have lost your way as long as you're willing to do something about it.
Whatever you have been doing has failed you and it is time to change yourself and your life, from the inside out. There is no better, more powerful, or faster way to do this than through the law of attraction.
Discovering Who You Are…
First, let's discover WHO you want to be! Now that you know you CAN reinvent yourself, who will you be? What will your life be like?
Imagine there are no limitations, no boundaries blocking your path, only limitless resources at your disposal. Write down your story!
Forget about your current situation. Do not worry about HOW you will escape the prison of misery you have built around yourself up until now.
Let your mind go and feel the freedom of choosing the life you want. Imagine a moment in your life where you suddenly realize you can and will have whatever you want from now on.
That you will forever have an abundance of resources available at your disposal to use. Start your new life story from that point on and imagine all the amazing adventures you will have. Write down your new desires, goals, visions, and aspirations. Discover who you ARE.
This is the you that has been locked away and suppressed all this time. The person that you always knew existed somewhere within you and the reason pain has driven you to this point.
Getting Rid of Your Mental Barrier…
In order to reinvent yourself, you need to shift your mental focus from the limiting factors in your life to what it is that you want most. Learn the art of "forgetting" the reasons why you "cannot", and replace them with the feelings of joy that make you want to have them in the first place.
This is not irresponsibility. Many people get lost in the word "responsible" and choose to sacrifice their dreams to it. Rather than facing the fact that their own mental laziness has produced results in their lives which are less than desired, they offer up their dreams and happiness to their new accepted responsibilities.
How to Manifest Whatever You Want?
As though being an adult is synonymous with misery. Life does not have to be this way. You can be responsible and take care of the things you need to take care of and simultaneously attract the life you want to live.
You can reinvent yourself now, even if you are currently dealing with the negative situation you have attracted up to this point, by simply shifting your awareness onto the positive thoughts and feelings you want to have.
Do not focus on your responsibilities with contempt and accept the lie that you cannot experience what you want until they are gone. This is the trap most individuals fall into and it is the pit of despair the majority struggles to survive in.
Choose rather focus on the feelings of joy and gratitude generated by what you want most as though it is already yours. Hold those positive thoughts in your mind while you handle your responsibilities and your life will spiral in a new direction...UP!
You can have whatever you want in life. You just have to know how to ask! Find out how to manifest whatever you want, click here to get the access!
Article Sources: Ezine Articles